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Building Specification
OFFICE FLOOR TO SOFFIT HEIGHT (UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE / SERVICES OR CEILING)Levels G, 1 & 2: 3.3 m, Level 3: varies, minimum, 3.3 m, Level 4: varies, minimum, 3 m.
RAISED FLOOR ZONENominal 150 mm zone on all floors.
FLOOR LOADINGSOffice Floors: 3.5 kN/m² + 1.0 kN/m², Basement: 20 kN/m².
ACOUSTIC RATINGSOffices: NR 38, Toilets: NR 40, Entrances: NR 40.
OCCUPANCY & VENTILATION RATESGenerally 1 person per 10 m².
WC PROVISION1 person per 10 m² (with 20% absenteeism) 60:60 male:female split.
Electrical Services
PASSENGER LIFTS4 x passenger lifts and 1 x goods lift.
LIGHTING GENERALOffice lighting installations will be 300 – 500 lux average. Maintained level of illumination in open plan on working plane to generally comply with the current edition of the CIBSE Code of Interior Lighting for Offices. Car park lighting installations within the Core will be 150 lux average.
OFFICE SPACE LIGHTINGLighting to be provided via suspended linear luminaries, part up, part down light, and shall be LG7 compliant.
SMALL POWERProvision for the office space to be supplied with 25 W/m². Cleaner’s sockets are provided in the offices and in the circulation areas.
FIRE DETECTION & ALARM SYSTEMInstalled in accordance with the requirements of BS 5839 and classed as an L2 system.
Internal Finishes — Offices
RAISED ACCESS FLOORAnti-static carpet tiles medium grade modular system.
CEILINGThe concrete soffit or underside of composite slab shall be exposed or metal rib (concrete to be dust sealed). Exposed steel beams to be painted finish. All ceiling mounted containment to be galvanised finish.
WALLSCentral core, perimeter walls and all columns are dry lined and painted. Plasterboard margins, bulkheads and the MDF skirtings are also painted.
Mechanical Services
COOLING LOADSLighting – 10 W/m² (net lettable area) Occupancy – 12.5 W/m² (net lettable area).
FRESH AIR PROVISIONS12 l/sec per person (based on occupancy of 1 person per 10 m²).
TEMPERATURESExternal — summer: 32˚C dry bulb 24˚C wet bulb, winter: -4 db 100% r.h. Internal — summer: 24˚C +/-2, winter: 22˚C +/-2.
Car Park
Car ParkThe building features secure underground parking facilities for cars and motorbikes, including a total of 100 car spaces and 24 cycle parking spaces. Provision for bicycle parking / changing facilities can also be accommodated.
Work and study space next to historic, Grade II listed sound stages.
Building Specification
OFFICE FLOOR TO SOFFIT HEIGHT (UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE / SERVICES OR CEILING)Levels G, 1 & 2: 2.86 m, Level 3: varies, 2.86 m to 3.5 m.
RAISED FLOOR ZONENominal 150 mm zone on all floors.
FLOOR LOADINGSLevels G Office Space: 10 kN/m² + 1.0k N/m², Levels 1, 2 & 3 Office Space: 3.5 kN/m² + 1.0 kN/m².
ACOUSTIC RATINGSOffices: NR 38, Toilets: NR 40, Entrances: NR 40.
OCCUPANCY & VENTILATION RATESGenerally 1 person per 10 m².
WC PROVISION1 person per 10 m² (with 20% absenteeism) 60:60 male:female split.
Electrical Services
PASSENGER LIFTS1 x passenger lifts and 1 x goods lift.
LIGHTING GENERALOffice lighting installations will be 300 – 500 lux average. Maintained level of illumination in open plan on working plane to generally comply with the current edition of the CIBSE Code of Interior Lighting for Offices. Car Park lighting installations within the Core will be 150 lux average.
OFFICE SPACE LIGHTINGLighting to be provided via suspended linear luminaries, part up, part down light, and shall be LG7 compliant.
SMALL POWERProvision for the office space to be supplied with 25 W/m². Cleaner’s sockets are provided in the offices and in the circulation areas.
FIRE DETECTION & ALARM SYSTEMInstalled in accordance with the requirements of BS 5839 and classed as an L2 system.
Internal Finishes — Offices
RAISED ACCESS FLOORAnti-static carpet tiles medium grade modular system.
CEILINGThe concrete soffit of the pre-cast planks shall be exposed (concrete to be dust sealed). Exposed steel beams to be painted finish. All ceiling mounted containment to be galvanised finish.
WALLSCentral core, perimeter walls and all columns are dry lined and painted. Plasterboard margins, bulkheads and the MDF skirtings are also painted.
Mechanical Services
COOLING LOADSLighting – 10 W/m² (net lettable area) Occupancy – 12.5 W/m² (net lettable area).
FRESH A IR PROVISIONS12 l/sec per person (based on occupancy of 1 person per 10 m²).
TEMPERATURESExternal — summer: 32˚C dry bulb 24˚C wet bulb, winter: -4 db 100% r.h. Internal — summer: 24˚C +/-2, winter: 22˚C +/-2.
Car Park
Car ParkThe building features secure underground parking facilities for cars and motorbikes, including a total of 100 car spaces and 24 cycle parking spaces. Provision for bicycle parking / changing facilities can also be accommodated.